Had so much fun with E&L who both enjoy the great outdoors. This location suited them perfectly as they are regular visitors to the national park and love adventurous, outdoor activities (Louisa has even bungy jumped!). Eigen also competes as a cyclist and regularly trains by cycling through the area; often in the dark lately, in the wee hours of the winter mornings just before the sun rises. Now, that’s discipline!
Thanks E&L for the great company, can’t wait till your wedding!
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My legs were like jelly seeing them so close to the edge – it was actually a lot higher than it looks here!
Thanks for the photos, Sooti! Love how you’ve captured the natural surroundings. Sorry you had to come up so high to get the shots but they look great 🙂
Many thanks Louisa! It was a great location and I loved every minute of it. Hehe, at least I wasn’t as near the edge as you both were! That’s what set my knees knocking a bit when looking through the view finder!
What a great blog