It was an extremely hot summer’s day in Sydney, but the weather certainly didn’t stop this from being an amazing wedding. We began the day with the bride’s prep, which was filled with much laughter, and ended the day being treated to a beautiful sunset at the location of the reception venue.

Thanks N&J, for being so wonderful to work with, and thanks also to your beautiful family, bridal party and friends.

Thanks also to Will for many of the images below.

Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography

Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography

Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography
Wedding photography